Veterans Protest Border Militarization Expo with Community Coalition

Over a dozen community groups including immigrants, veterans, unions and human rights activists are protesting an expo where corporations will showcase weapons and surveillance equipment.

SAN ANTONIO — On March 11–12, San Antonio’s Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center is scheduled to host the Border Security Expo and About Face: Veterans Against the War (formerly Iraq Veterans Against the War) is joining more than fourteen other San Antonio grassroots organizations to demand the city stop hosting this event now and in the future. In the lead up to actions today, the coalition military veterans, immigrants, unions and other human rights activists have met with officials, spoken at hearings and petitioned the city to stop hosting this tax-payer subsidized weapons trade-show.

The expo facilitates large-scale companies from around the world who profit from war and surveillance to showcase their “innovations in border security” and market their latest technologies for the continuation of the militarization and surveillance of our border. This year it will culminate in a sharpshooter competition on the final day. Ironically, the expo will take place in a tax-funded space named after Henry Barboza González, who was the son of immigrants and a staunch defender of immigrant rights throughout his political life. This will be their 5th annual expo in San Antonio.

As Veterans who participated in America’s Forever Wars and have since dissented from this policy, we understand that the euphemism of “security” does not mean access to food, healthcare, a clean environment, education, housing, or living wage work. These are the things that lead to meaningful and secure lives. We’ve come to understand that when the word “security” is thrown around it means war, destruction, chaos, calamities and devastation to human lives -and wealth for those who profit from this.

Join us for a series of events and actions that will take place before and during the Border Security Expo:

March 11: Demonstration Rally at Henry B. Gonzalez Convention @ 2–5 pm, culminating with a march to the Alamo where profiteers will be gathering for dinner.

For more details and information access the Facebook Event Page.

Co-Sponsors: RAICES, SA Stands, Esperanza Peace and Justice Center, Unite Here!, Suenos Sin Fronteras, PODER, Green Party, Sierra Club South Texas, Democratic Socialist of America — San Antonio, MiJente, Barrio Intellect, National Nurses United, Workers World Party, Southwest Workers Union, PSL, Autonomous Brown Berets, About Face: Veterans Against the War South Texas, Poor People’s Campaign: A National Call for Moral Review- San Antonio, Jewish Voices for Peace, BE-Art Project, Grassroots Global Justice, Fight for Immigrant Rights Everywhere, No Border Wall Coalition, MOVE SA.

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About Face: Veterans Against the War
About Face: Veterans Against the War

Written by About Face: Veterans Against the War

About Face: Veterans Against the War’s mission is to mobilize the military community to organize against militarism at home & abroad.

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